Copy all files a user owns off of remote server
Published by Nicholas Dunbar on March 12th, 2013
This is for copying files from a Linux machine to a local Linux machine.
user@localhost the_directory> ssh 'cd /dir/you/want/to/copy/; find `pwd` -user user_name' | xargs -I{} scp{} `pwd`
This connects to a remote server, gets a list of files a user owns and then secure copies all those files to your current directory on your local box.
open a terminal window on your local Linux box
type something like the following:
cd /dir/where/you/want/the/files/to/copy/
in the statement below replace the following:
user_name with the user who owns the files you want to copy (don't forget to replace it in both places) with the ip or address of the box from where you want to copy the files (don't forget to replace it in both places)
/dir/you/want/to/copy/ with the source directory on your remote host
then run the following command from above:
ssh 'cd /dir/you/want/to/copy/; find `pwd` -user user_name' | xargs -I{} scp{} `pwd`