Strange error in PHP | number zero (0) evaluates to true against a string in PHP

Reproducing the error (see solution below):
Take a look at this weird error below:

if ($int_zero == "reset"){

echo "equals reset\n";

} else {

echo "equals something else\n";


echo $int_zero."\n";


equals reset

So strange n'est pas? This should not happen. At first, I thought it had to do with the intval or floatval functions since I tried both and got the same result. But it turns out this is wrong. For example I created a function that returns 0 without the use of intval when it is a zero.

Replace intval, still an error

function intval_v2($str){

$str = trim($str);
if (preg_match("/^(\s|0|\.)*$/",$str)){

return 0;

} else {

return intval($str);



When I use this function instead of intval, I still get the same bad result. In fact if I do the following I get the same result.

Don't use intval...still..bzzzz...wrong

$some_num = $int_zero;
if ($some_num == "whatever it does not matter"){
echo "equals whatever it does not matter\n";
} else {
echo "equals a number\n";
echo "$some_num\n";


equals whatever it does not matter

The work around...

The way around it is to use a strict comparison known as the triple equal operator (===) the problem is the zero (0) not the intval or floatval functions.

$some_num = $int_zero;
if ($some_num === "whatever it does not matter"){
echo "equals whatever it does not matter\n";
} else {
echo "equals a number\n";
echo "$some_num\n";


equals a number
PHP has lost major cool points from me this day.

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